Open During Covid-19
DISA Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
The DISA Clinic offers a range of Sexual and Reproductive Health services for men and women. It is located in Hurlingham Manor in Sandton. All services are confidential and include counselling and referral services as well as physical exams and care.
You don’t need a doctor’s referral to visit the clinic, but you must make an appointment using the phone numbers below. Drop – ins will only be seen if time permits. The clinic is fully wheelchair accessible.

Family Planning Service
Clinic staff will do a full health assessment and help you decide what are the best contraceptive choices for you. We will also be happy to answer any of your questions. Birth control pills and other methods, such as Depo Provera injections can be scripted from the clinic.
Clinic staff can insert IUD’s. Condoms are distributed free. Emergency contraception is also available from the Clinic including pills or a post – coital IUD.

Early pregnancy unit
The clinic provides counseling for women with unwanted pregnancies and information about different Termination of pregnancy options. We also provide full medical care for women who choose to have a Termination of pregnancy including post termination of pregnancy follow up and counseling. The Clinic employs a Specialist Gynecologist.

Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm
Sun: Closed
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